If you have had a phone number or e-mail address change, please let us know. We do NOT sell our resident list to anyone and your information is considered private to Champions Place.

Lawn services are provided through our contractor Javier Martinez. Service days are typically Monday for the exterior streets, and Tuesday for the interior streets and common areas. We provide mowing, edging, blowing for all front yards (blow only from late fall to early spring). Backyard services include mowing and blowing (same schedule as the front) provided the gates are unlocked. NOTE: flower beds and landscape maintenance are NOT provided through the HOA and are homeowners responsibility. Ask Javier to provide a quote if you need add'l help.
Some homeowners choose to supplement the HOA provided services with their own landscapers. We ask that if you use a landscape, any debris generated by them MUST be disposed of by them on the day of the service. GLF, nor Javier, is responsible for hauling debris from other landscapers. And trash can not be placed streetside UNTIL 6PM the day before service or the day of the service.
Garbage and recyling services are provided by GFL Environmental. Pickup days are each Tuesday. If you want pickup, please place your trash containers and recyclables by the curb by 7AM on pickup date. They also may be placed no earlier than 6PM Monday - and all containers must be stored after pickup out of view. Please contact the office if you need a recycle bin.
Please click the image to go find out more at the GLF website.

All residents and homeowners have access to the neighborhood facilities. A master key is required for the pool, tennis courts, and bathrooms. Please contact the office if you need a key. The greenbelt is also available - alot of people walk their pets. We provide poop bags and ask that pet owners pickup behind their pets.
Overflow parking is available at the office - rules do apply so please check beforehand.